“Palli Progoti Shahayak Samity” started its journey to remove illiteracy from the society in its inception. The poverty vulnerabilities of rural people is due to poor education and no education. 

In its realization the founder of the Organization dreamt a dream of educational program and introduced adult education (Night School), Buniadi (Primary) School for poor community’s children and dropout students. In advocacy and lobbing with Govt. 35 Ananda Schools, BRAC’s sponsored 38 ESP School and 21 Buniadi Schools program had been successfully conducted by the organization. In primary stage 21Nos. Buniadi schools had been financed by OXFAM, Misorior, Novid, the noble foreign Donors. 

Donation being ceased by Govt. decision maintenance of 21 Schools was not possible. The strength had to be curtailed. At present 7 Buniadi Schools are being steadily running with full dignity and reputation– 21 Teachers and 1130 Students have been in teaching inclusion. 38Nos. (ESP) School’s Teacher 38 and 30 Students consisting each school are excellent in Operation.

‘‘Ananda” schools program have closed down according to Govt. decision 35Nos. of ‘‘Ananda school” at Boalmari upazila patronized by the ministry of public education enjoying good will of world Bank Swiss corporation’s economic cooperation had achieved maximum coverage of poor community’s children’s education (literacy). They people and children know 3-R, now reaping its advantage in their daily life.

This Organization’s basic program is basic education to reach the goal of school social discrimination, prejudices, superstition and lagging behind husband’s obliteration from rural people’s impression and specs creating of sedulity and up and doing less practices among helpless rural community.

They people now do belief man is the architect of his own fortune derived from glow of education.


PPSS works with and for the poor and the helpless sector of the community, especially woman from 1979.Mr. Akbar Kabir is the founder, Chairman and lifelong President of the organization. The area of operation at present is confined to Faridpur, Rajbari, Madaripur, Gopalgonj, Narail, Magura, Manikganj, Dhaka, Narayanganj, a Narshingdhi district in Bangladesh. It started work in 03 (three) villages in 02(two) Unions in the year 1979. Now we are working in 10 districts, 37 Upazila, 285 Unions, 1813 villages and total Unit is 60. Our total member is now 60,227 total outstanding BDT 115, 115, 3056/= total lone member 60,227 total savings BDT 40, 65, 61,848/=.
The only source of PKSF gives the fund to PPSS, and those are for different sectors, like

  5. MDP
  6. KGF
  7. Learning and Innovation and Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT)
  10. ENRICH (ACL)
  11. LRL
  12. LEPIG .

Jagoron is the name of a credit instrument of PPSS to initiate household based enterprise development in Bangladesh. PPSS extended its financial services for the rural poor through this programme from October, 1990. Under this programme, borrowers are encouraged to undertake family-based income generating activities. PPSS consistently addresses the rural poor people. PPSS felt initiated to extend its financial services for the urban poor also. In urban area, woman participation in Jagoron is higher in comparison to its rural counterpart and since they have higher participation in the labor market, larger access to material resources, greater mobility and meaningful role in the household decision-making process. Urban borrowers are distinct from the rural borrowers in a number of ways. They are the landless squatters and they usually take loan for small trading. Vulnerable to threats of eviction, they live in slums or makeshift shacks. The number of urban poor is continuously increasing as a result of forced migration, limited employment opportunities in the rural agriculture sector and recurrent occurrence of several natural disasters.

Apart from providing financial services to the micro entrepreneurs, the project is making value chain interventions and extending technological supports for the development of various potential economic sub sectors. Under the financial services for microenterprises component of the project, currently around 1.18 million micro entrepreneurs are receiving financial services for their microenterprises. The micro entrepreneurs are using their loan amount in various enterprises of trade, farming, processing and service sectors.

Different proven technologies were transferred from home and abroad to the different locations of the country to overcome technological constraints in the respective economic activities. Agricultural technologies like artificial insemination for improving cow breed, sex pheromone technology and other bio technologies for producing safe vegetables, perch method technology for goat rearing, prawn and carp fish mixed culture technologies, high value fruit cultivation technologies were extended to increase productivity of the respective sub-sectors.

Up to June 2023, total number of borrowers stands at 4,260 , which is about 10 % of the total members under this loan program.

In June 2023, the average loan size under this programme is BDT 1, 00,000.

Up to June 2023, cumulative loan disbursement from PPSS to borrowers is BDT 73, 94, 67, 4,000/= respectively.

‘Buniad’ is a Bangla word which means foundation. PPSS has been implementing ‘Buniad’ for the ultra-poor people since 2004 previously known as Ultra Poor Program (UPP). Under ‘Buniad’, PPSS is providing flexible microcredit to the ultra-poor people. In addition to the financial service PPSS is also providing different non-financial services like primary health care, technical services for implementing income generating activities of the poor people, capacity building support at the time of disaster, training, awareness building on nutrition and social issues through some special projects. The main objective of Buniad is to support the ultra-poor people in such a way so that they become capable to create sustainable income opportunities and human dignity as well as they can lift out of extreme poverty.
Table: Achievements of Buniad (June 2023)

Particulars Total (Tk.)
Cumulative Disbursement (Members)              51,486
Loan Outstanding ( Members)                  1,18,44,842/=
Recovery Rate in the field                                      98%
Average Loan Size (Thousands)                        22,358
Total Savings                                                42,95,132/=
Total Members                                                   1,868
Total Borrowers                                                  1,016

PPSS launched Seasonal Loan (now known as Sufolon) programme in the year 2006. This groundbreaking programme of PPSS offers flexibilities and has become a prominent core programme of PPSS covering a major share of the yearly loan disbursement. Since its inception, this unique loan product has created tremendous impetus for the investment of different IGAs such as crop cultivation and processing, livestock, fisheries, agro-forestry agro-processing etc. The provision of the loan repayment in a single installment after the sale of the product has made it very popular among the borrowers, especially those engaged in beef fattening and crop cultivation.

The extension of financial services to the poor community is increasingly becoming very important as a means of poverty reduction interventions. Some areas of the country have lack access to financial support. The Agricultural sector is one such area where financial service providers are not inclined to support. The high degree of risk involved in this sector is one of the main reasons for this aversion

Sufolon offers comprehensive training program for the farmers and staff of the MFIs to develop their capacity in agricultural lending. To improve Sufolon program, attention is given to research, development of high-yielding seed, and management of irrigation, mechanized and technology-based farming, and vocational education to produce skilled human resources and increased productivity.

During the current FY 2022-2023 loan disbursement from PPSS to borrowers is BDT 8,57,85,000/= respectively.

– Up to June 2023, total number of borrowers stood at 961
– In June 2023, the average loan size under this programme is BDT 32,206.

With a view to further strengthening PPSS’s Microenterprise development program which is known to MDP. MDP is designed to assist micro entrepreneurs throughout the country carrying out environmentally sustainable and financially viable enterprises. The project aims to include an additional huge numbers of micro entrepreneurs under PPSS’s enterprise development program that has a present program participant base of 2,000 at the end of 2023. This project has been designed with PKSF’s business cluster development approach.

A Loan Agreement between Government of Bangladesh and ADB, and a Project Agreement between PKSF and ADB were signed on 06 February 2019. A Subsidiary Loan Agreement (SLA) between PKSF and Government of Bangladesh were signed on 02 April 2019. Subsequently the project was declared effective on 04 April 2019 by ADB.

The overall goal of the program is to raise household income, reduce vulnerability, improve food security, and provide technical assistance to the targeted population. Since the inception of the KGF Programme, a total of 25,209 members (95% female) have been organized in 19 groups. Savings of the beneficiaries under this programme were BDT 15,775 in the field. Up to June 2023, disbursed BDT 54, 36, 70,000/= to nearly 25,209 members. The current loan outstanding is nearly BDT 1, 61,599, with a recovery rate near to 100%. Nearly 60% of this loan is used in crop cultivation, 30% in live+stock rearing, and the rest in fish and other farm-related activities.

a) Farmer (member) training: Nearly 2000 farmers (members) have been trained on new technologies related to crop production, livestock rearing, and fish production. These training sessions were conducted with the help of central and local level resource persons from the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), the Department of Livestock (DLS), and the Department of Fisheries (DoF). Specialized training (4-5 days long, residential) on modern livestock rearing, modern fish production and management, vegetative propagation and fruit tree management, mango orchard management, and judicious use of pesticide to control manage pest and diseases were also arranged for 1,075 progressive members in different research and educational organizations.

b) Staff training: Nearly 250 PO-level officers have been trained on ‘Implementation Strategy of KGF Programme and Basic Agriculture and Technology Update’. In addition,25 PO-level technical officers were trained on modern fish cultivation and management, integrated pest management and organic fertilizer management, summer tomato, onion, and country bean production technology and modern rice production technology in the Horticulture Center of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute (FRI), Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), and Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), respectively.

Learning and Innovation and Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT):
Palli Progoti Sahayok Samity (PPSS) has been implementing the ‘Learning and Innovation Fund to Test New Ideas (LIFT)’ program since 2006 to encourage and patronize pro-poor financial and non-financial innovative initiatives. This program develops a wide range of new tools for poverty eradication so that the poor and the extremely poor can benefit from them. At present, the LIFT program is specifically tasked with implementing initiatives for the inclusive development of 16 disadvantaged groups identified by PKSF as well as poor-friendly off-farm based innovative initiatives.
The LIFT fund is open for experiment and implement innovative ideas on a large scale to bring the poor members out of extreme poverty. PPSS uses an innovation matrix to classify innovation and evaluate LIFT proposals. The LIFT fund is disbursed among project-implementing organizations both as loans and grants on the basis of the nature of the projects concerned.

• LIFT has helped a large number of extremely poor people in the Faridpur, Gopalgong and Manikganj districts to ensure that they have access to financial services. This initiative has yielded a specialized loan product that brought over _ poor members under financial service coverage.
• Char land lease loan for the extremely poor of the Char and remote areas is a successful loan product of LIFT. It has strengthened the capacity of over 82,500 members to fight extreme poverty by ensuring self-employment opportunities and food security for them.
• LIFT has introduced inclusive financing, capacity building and social awareness advocacy programme for the poor people with disability.
• A special program for elderly people — Improving Elderly People’s Livelihood through Community Initiative – is going on in Munshiganj. Under this initiative, poor elderly people get financial and health services as well as capacity building training. For the expansion of its elderly program based on this initiative, PKSF has already developed a mainstream loan product named “Loan for Elderly People’s Income Generation”.



Three types of special credit services have been designed for the ENRICH households: Income Generating Activities Loan (IGAL), Livelihood Improvement Loan (LIL), and Asset Creation Loan (ACL). All the three credit services can be accessed simultaneously by a household. Under IGAL, eligible household members can take loans for more than one activity and for expansion of an activity to increase their income. In this context, economic activities with potential for productivity growth are selected. Training for skill development and upgrading, marketing assistance, and other necessary services are now routinely provided. As of now the ceiling of this loan is the maximum service charge is 25% on a declining balance method. The LIL is made available for repairing houses, the purchase of necessary household gadgets, and taking other actions related to livelihood improvement including defraying expenses for social functions such as the marriage of a daughter or a son.

ENRICH Health: The ENRICH health component is designed to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services to all the households in the selected unions. Each household is visited at least once a month by a health visitor to collect health related information about all its members. The collected information and data are recorded in the household health-card and also entered into a computer database established for the purpose. The field work is supervised by health officer. The health officer conduct static clinics in the ENRICH office every day to attend to patients, usually advised by health visitors to go there. For patients needing further treatment are advised to visit the satellite clinics held once a week in each ward, with MBBS doctors attending to patients there. There is also referral arrangement with both public and private hospitals and clinics for the patients who need specialized medical services. Costs are substantially subsidized; and for the very poor, services are provided free of cost. Health camps (vision, dental, heart, diabetes, etc) are also organized under the ENRICH as and when required, with specialist doctors attending. In these camps, patients with serious ailments are referred to different public and private hospitals and clinics where their treatment is arranged free of cost or at a nominal cost. The ENRICH has also launched a deworming campaign, giving away free medicine to 100% of its registered households, covering all household members above 5 years of age. A sanitation component to ensure 100 percent safe sanitation has been initiated under the ENRICH. So far, sanitary latrines have been installed in all homes in 11 unions. The same will be ensured in other ENRICH unions in phases. Other aspects of sanitation are also being promoted in all the ENRICH unions.

ENRICH Education:  The ENRICH education component primarily seeks to address the problem of drop-out of children from primary level education. This is implemented in all ENRICH unions; and this service is available to all the households in all the unions. Under this component, at least students up to Class 2 are helped in the educational assistance centers to prepare the next day’s tasks, given that there are no facilities and educational support for many students at their homes. Gradually, these centers will accommodate students up to Class 5. These centers operate from 3PM to 5PM every day except Friday. Children come to these centers after attending their regular schools. Children are not only helped with their studies but also assisted in extra-curricular activities such as recitation of poems, dance, singing etc. Also, the children are treated in a friendly manner. They therefore find these centers very attractive to attend. These centers take special care of the students who are generally slow learners and need the extra help and time to grasp the material taught at their regular schools. Teachers are locally recruited. Anyone less than 35 years of age with a minimum of SSC level education is prima facie qualified to be a teacher; most of the teachers are female. These educational assistance centers also monitor if the children attending the centers go to their schools regularly. The dropout rate among these students, as they move up to Class 3, has, on average, come down to about 0.9%, while it is about 4.04% nationwide. In addition, the PPSS also provides scholarships usually to students at levels after the completion of SSC (Secondary School Certificate), from its Programme Support Fund (PSF). This scholarship component is managed by the ENRICH Unit. Meritorious children of the disadvantaged or low income parents involved in different programmes of the PPSS, who, after successfully completing Secondary School Certificate (SSC) level, are studying for Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or are at a higher level are eligible for this scholarship.32

ENRICH Beggar Rehabilitation: First of all, genuine beggars are identified in a union through a thoroughly investigative process. It has been found that a lot of motivational work is needed to convince a beggar to give up begging and agree to be rehabilitated into a normal life. In some cases, it takes months of counseling and convincing. Once, a beggar, a man or a woman, agrees to be rehabilitated, the PO officials sit with them to assess their health conditions and other circumstances and what they would like to take up in terms of economic activities.

Once that is settled, the beggar is given a grant of BDT 100,000 but not in cash. The amount is deposited in a Bank Account, operated jointly by the grant recipient and an official of the PO. The recipient is in fact given support in kind, using the money from that account. If the beggar has a place to live, the house is repaired if and as required or if person has land but not a house, a small house is constructed for her/him to live in and also to accommodate the livestock (such as cow, goat) provided as an income earning source. If the beggar has no land, a piece of land is found for her/him in khas land or through donation by a local generous person or from a relative and a house is constructed for the beggar.

ENRICH Youth Development: A youth development component has been specially designed to help the youth acquire skills in accordance with their respective aptitudes and, at the same time, be imbued with human and social values. That is, the purpose is to equip them to find employment on the one hand and help create healthy social environment in their locality by getting rid of such social ills as child marriage, teasing of girls, and violence against women, child labor, dowry taking and drug addiction. At the same time, they will also help raise awareness in favor of ethics, minority rights, and fairness. Regarding employment, efforts are made to create both self-employment and wage or salary-based employment opportunities. Those who choose self-employment opportunities are assisted with market information, access to appropriate technologies, and marketing of their products. For salary-based employment, the job linkage initiative within the framework of the ENRICH youth development component maintains liaison with different employers and organizes job fairs by bringing potential employers to interact with unemployed youth. Job fairs assist the young unemployed to find jobs. Through such intermediation, a total of 1,093 young individuals of different ENRICH unions have, as of June 2018, found employment opportunities in G4S, PRAN-RFL, The ACME Laboratories Ltd, etc. The PKSF has developed a training course entitled ‘Right Decision Making Magical Skills’ to help the youth make the best possible and informed decision when looking for jobs.


From the ENRICH focus on the best utilization of the existing resources of each household, the concept of establishing ENRICHed homes has emerged. The idea is to utilize the homestead land to the best extent possible through proper planning, taking into account the amount of land available. An ENRICHed home contains house(s) for the members of the family to live in and also to use for relaxing and entertaining. There is a sanitary latrine and, usually, a tube-well for drinking water. Economic activities conducted at the homestead include livestock, poultry, and pigeon rearing; cultivation of vegetables, and lemon, sajna, fruit and other trees, and medicinal plants. Flowers are cultivated to create an aesthetic environment. There is also either a solar home-system or a biogas plant. An improved cooking stove for cooking without being affected by smoke is used. Environment-friendly fertilizer vermi-compost is produced by the household for own use and/or for sale. Of course, all ENRICHed households are covered by the ENRICH education, health, and all other components.

Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of the Elderly People Programme:

PPSS pursues a life-cycle approach to human progress, catering to the appropriate needs at all stages of life — from the conception of a child and to the death of a person. As a supplementary intervention of its multidimensional poverty alleviation programmes, PPSS has introduced the ‘Uplifting the Quality of the Lives of Elderly People Programme’ in line with the government’s elderly policy.     

PPSS aims to help in reducing miseries of the elderly people through the programme. The programme assists elderly people to access social safety services, financial benefits and primary health care services of the elder person. The Source of fund for the programme is the Special Fund and Programmes-Support Fund of PKSF.

The following activities are being implemented under the programme.   

  • Establishing social centers for the elderly people in every Union,
  • Providing old age allowances and assistive materials (walking sticks, commodes, blankets warm cloths, wheel chairs, umbrellas etc);
  • Provision of Special Savings and Pension Fund;
  • Recognizing the contribution for the society made by the elderly persons’
  • Awarding children for looking after their parents,
  • Providing appropriate credit and IGAs-based training facilities to the poor elderly people,
  • Offering physiotherapy services & geriatric nursing to the elderly by organizing training for the Physiotherapy Aide.
  • Rehabilitation of poor and distress elderly in community.


To cover the basic needs of the elder people, provision of Old Age Allowance has been made for the underprivileged elderly people. With this allowance many elderly people are being able to buy necessary medicines and avail treatment of their old aged complications. PKSF has provided TK 3. 85 crore (monthly BDT 600/- per person) as Old Age allowance to 8000 elderly people up to June 2018.


This programme offers different assistive materials to ease the lives of the elderly people.  Organizations distribute umbrellas, walking sticks, raised commodes, blankets and warm cloths to elderly people.


In the same manner, PPSS are making every effort to meet the needs of the people from birth to death. In some circumstances it is found that people are even unable to bear the expenses of funeral of deceased. PPPSS ensure proper funeral of every deceased elderly people. As of BDT 2,000/- per person has been provided to bear the funeral expenditure of 1178 deceased. 


Recognizing the contribution of the elderly people towards the society is a key component of the Elderly programme. It also bestows award to the sons and youth for their support to the elderly people. 809 elderly person and 368 young people have been awarded for their noble work so far. 


The programme has provision of health and care facilities for the elderly people. PKSF has provided training to one male and one female on physiotherapy and posted them at Elderly Social Centre for delivering services to the ailing elderly people.   


Under this programme, there is a provision rehabilitate vulnerable elderly to a family in his/her locality. Arrangements have been made to provide support to helpless elderly people. Till 150 helpless elderly people has been rehabilitated to a new family of his/her own locality.


PPSS started Arsenic mitigation water supply program particularly in the village of komorpur and afforded good number of home base filters, rainwater harvests, wells and ponds for Arsenic free water supply at that time. Which are going on as expanded basis in other working areas too.

PPSS gives importance to health and sanitation. It has sunk so many tube-wells and provided good number of sanitary latrines among rural peoples of the area by our 3 numbers, health clinics. This sanitation program provided sanitation coverage to 3806 number of family of Boalmari upazila. We are also discharging free medical treatment to the ailing people ensuring their good health. There also runs two unit of health clinic and have one medical Doctor, two medical assistant for free medical treatment. From PPSS the total number of general treatment is 30752 numbers



PPSS distributes vegetable seeds and fruit tree saplings. It has also developed a mini-forest. For economic betterment PPSS provides financial support on credit at 12.90%, 10% service charge (PKSF), a Government sponsored financial institution. Unlike some of the more publicized organizations, PPSS does not deduct any amount at the time of giving the loans. From inception up To date taka 17312454000/Tk- has been loaned to 16758372500/Tk women and 554081500/Tk men for investment in approved projects, the recovery rate is 98.89%.





PPSS also have a well-established Training center. Where 30 numbers of trainees accommodation is lying with. Others NGO can use it by rental basis if so desire .From the beginning of training center some training provided for 8942 member and those members are self-employed now.





PPSS also takes initiatives during disaster and any short of natural calamities. During disaster period, affected people have been given free medical services along with relief and rehabilitation supports from PPSS own fund as well as by joint venture.

To mention PPSS have played a great role in long durable “ Mohamari (KORONA) in the year 2020. Relief and Rehabilitation activities discharged in keeping with exigencies and our ability among flood victim of our working areas in and around the affected Faridpur district. Free medical treatment and medicine, water-purified tablet, saline water, dry food and clothes etc. were distributed. It is need to be mentioned that Cyclone (SIDR) affected groups members in our Gopalgonj working area have received our support and cooperation in rehabilitation program. We always stand by the destitute and helpless people enabling them to earn their own livelihood restoring human right too. This may be deemed as our regular activities as and when required.




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