PALLI PROGOTI SHAHAYAK SAMITY (PPSS) is a rural Community Development Organization in Bangladesh. It works with and for the poor and the helpless sector of the community, particularly women, from 1979. A worthy son of this soil and versatile genius Mr. Akber Kabir is the founder, chairman and lifelong president of the Organization. PPSS activated aim and planning strenuous effort and untiring present is confined to Faridpur, Rajbari, Madaripur, Gopalgonj, Narail, Magura, Manikganj, Dhaka, Narayanganj, Narsingdi district. It started work in 03(three) villages in 02(two) Union in the year 1979. At present, it has covered about 1,809 villages of 284 Union in 10 districts.
The object is to empower the poor, the deprived, and suppressed people creating awareness, encouraging, curiosity, and the ability to question, building unity, and co-operation increasing income generation. Emphasis is given against trafficking....

OUR Programs -
PPSS Moments

OUR Plans -
All donations will go to support 3 main problems: Empowerment, Education, Health. Our project is working with troubled kids in Bangladesh more than 7+ years and we’ve achieved great successes.
- 30% of funds for Empowerment
- 45% for Educational Fund
- 25% for medical care
PPSS Sustainable Development Goal

Honorable Partners

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